By Ethel Chadwick Last time I wrote a few things about love and relationships. An important ingredient in any relationship is forgiveness. If you hold onto a grudge or disappointment, it will eat at you and steal your joy. That’s just what the devil wants, by the way. Of course it isn’t easy to forgive, but I promise you that if you ask Abba Father to give you supernatural forgiveness for someone, He will do that. I once heard that holding onto unforgiveness is like taking poison and then waiting for the other person to die. Maybe it’s not someone else that you need to forgive – maybe it’s yourself! That’s so very hard to do, but again, ask the Lord for His help. Let His peace flow through you. Now that you’ve forgiven others and also forgiven yourself, you are ready to be a blessing to someone. Don’t hold back, remember, every day of your life is an opportunity to be a blessing to someone! Yeshua forgave those who persecuted Him, so if He could do it, so can you! Ethel Chadwick
By Ethyl Chadwick For about a year I wrote a column for the Messianic Times Online. I could select any topic, so I decided to write about relationships. It’s not that I’m an expert, but having been married 29 years I have picked up a few things along the way. Perhaps one day I will publish all the articles. I will give a brief summary here. First of all, you can’t love another unless you love yourself. The Bible says “love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mark 12:31). So if you are unable to love yourself, you need to ask God to show you how He sees you. As you learn to accept and appreciate yourself, as you rebuke any self-bitterness or self-rejection spirits you may have entertained, then you will really learn to love yourself. And that’s when you will be ready for a romantic relationship. I also wrote about pride. Dear brothers and sisters, it’s more important to be loving and kind than to prove that you’re right. Unless it’s a matter of life and death, sometimes you just have to let it go. Also it’s so important to be a really good listener. Sometimes your spouse or significant other just needs to vent. Resist the temptation to offer advice or fix it, unless you are specifically asked for advice. Lastly I will mention that it’s so important to build each other up, not tear each other down. Resist the temptation to correct, criticize or try to change your partner. I will be happy to share more next time! God bless you! Ethel Chadwick |
September 2022
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