Ethel Chadwick Everyone makes fun of Jewish mothers. Most Jewish comedians mention their mothers and even Jewish mothers laugh about themselves! It’s true, Jewish mothers are often obsessed with bodily functions, insist that you wear a sweater and always remind you that you need more Jewish friends. Yeshua had a Jewish mother too, you know! I hope she didn’t make him feel guilty (another thing we’re good at…) – after all, he was away all the time, kept strange company and was out till the wee hours of the morning. I would like to think that Miriam (that’s her Hebrew name) had so much faith that she never worried about her son. Of course she was human, so I am sure there were moments of doubt and anxiety. No mother is perfect, but our aim should be to pray for our children always, and trust that they will make the right decisions. As our children grow into adults our job is to encourage them, listen well, and only give advice when asked. Now that’s hard for most mothers, but it’s really good for our kids. Yes, to us they will always be “kids,” just as we will always be Yeshua’s kids. Just as we desire respect from our children, our Lord is looking for the same respect and obedience. Let us continue to be deserving of respect from our children, while remaining steadfast in respecting our Abba in Heaven! Happy Mother’s Day! Hugs, Mama Ethel
Ethel Chadwick You probably figured out by now that I see a lot of movies. I love acting and appreciate a good romantic, comedic or spiritual film. The other day I saw the new movie “I Feel Pretty,” starring Amy Schumer. It was very funny but had a great message, which is – you ARE pretty, just the way you are! I won’t give away the plot but I do suggest that you see it – mostly speaking to the ladies out there! We often don’t see ourselves as God sees us. So what do you see when you look into the mirror? When you are secure in who you are, know that you are loved and appreciated, then you can look at yourself and see your beauty! Really, it’s that simple! I am reminded of the poster where a little kitten looks in the mirror but the reflection looking back is a lion! You ARE beautiful!! Proverbs 23:7: For as he thinks within himself, so is he. Ethel |
September 2022
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