Shalom All Again!
Guess what? My son Zane and his wife Heaven just gave us our 6th grandchild (2nd grandson)! Praise G-D and Happy Birthday Cayden!! Blessings & Shalom! AJ
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Shalom All!
Please join me in wishing my wife Shela a Happy Birthday she is the Love of my Life, my treasure, the mother of my children and one of my greatest heroes! I thank G-D for you babe! Blessings & Shalom! AJ Shalom All!
Just a short few lines of encouragement this time. In these times of hardship we (you & I), must not forget who is in control. When I was a young Marine, I was taught that fear is a choice and I should choose not to be afraid and that was powerful for me to realize. Beloved please remember that the G-D of our Fathers is still on HIS throne. HE watches over us constantly and we should NOT be afraid. All these things must pass just as scripture tells us. Remember Jeremiah 29:11 and rest assured beloved. G-D ALWAYS takes care of HIS own. Blessings and Shalom AJ Shalom All!
I've been very busy the last few years with my kids going off to pursue their dreams & goals, helping with my grandkids (I have 6 now), and trying with my wife to figure out our retirement--our golden years as it's often called. Having said all this the most aggravating and even perplexing thing is the political, economic and civil turmoil going on in our own country. We as a country have allowed our political environment to devolve into a cultural bloodsport and we must correct this! In ancient times the people of Israel had Moses as leader (as well as a kind of national hero), and he filled the spot very well leading Israel through many a crisis and finally to the land that flowed with milk & honey. Here in America we have had our share of heroes too, George Washington, Francis Marion, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Crispus Attucks and the list goes on. But if you look around these days there is no one stepping up to be our hero--to lead us and remind us of who we are and how the world depends on us. As Americans, we have been immeasurably blessed by G-D and that lays at our feet a responsibility to always be the hope of the rest of the world. It's my prayer that we can come to our national senses and once again give stability to an otherwise unstable world. We need a hero to remind us of our greatness and the sacrifices that we have already made to make our country (and the world), a better place. Before America, one had to get permission from a monarchy or a dictatorship or a theocracy before they could even marry or make many personal decisions. Before America, countries invaded one another in order to increase their own wealth. It was America that started the practice of investing, true private land ownership and free trade which grew wealth without having to forcefully take or steal that wealth from some one else. I am not happy that many of the founders had slaves, but it was the time they lived in. How many times have you heard a news story where some one being interviewed talked about how hard it was growing up in their neighborhood, that they had to join a gang because that what everyone did there just to survive? Do we never forgive that person? Do we ostracize them from society and disregard their contributions to the rest of society? Do we shun them even when they tell us that rising up and changing was one of the toughest and greatest things they ever did? We (after fighting a bloody civil war), did eventually do away with slavery in our America--didn't we? We stood up and said enough is enough! Aren't we, You & I deserving of forgiveness for our sins & mistakes that we have repented of? If we cannot forgive then how will our Heavenly Father ever forgive us? Blessings & Shalom, AJ Dear Friends,
First, Shalom All! I've been watching the conventions and listening to all the rhetoric and I've come to at least one conclusion thus far. These newer generations have no idea of their own history. What is going on in the public schools these days? Are they not teaching history at all? I know that civics is not being taught--G-D forbid some young person might know his/her rights as an American or pride in being an American! I here some blacks calling other blacks "uncle Tom" as if it that is an insult?! Maybe somebody nowadays should read Ms. Stowe's book. Tom not some weak kneed, weak minded or weak moraled person. To the contrary, in the book, Tom was beaten to death because he would not divulge the whereabouts of run away slaves. Tom depended on and believed in G-D! Tom (much like Yeshuah (Jesus)), gave his life so that other might be delivered. Senator Rand Paul was recently physically attacked a third time. This time for attending the RNC convention in Washington, DC. The crowd kept demanding the Sen Paul "say her name" referring to Breonna Taylor, the 26 year old who was tragically shot & killed by police in a 'no knock raid'. Sen Paul is the author of the "Breonna Taylor bill" written to stop no knock raids. I have noticed that since we took prayer out of our schools, each generation has gotten a little worse. Then we started abridging our history courses little by little until kids no longer understand how great this country really is. When I was a youngster I attended public school in Chicago where I grew up. Everyday when I walked into that building I heard at least 1/2 dozen different languages being spoken in the halls on the way to my classroom. I remember that when that bell rang to start the day--BOOM--everybody spoke English! It was called pride in being American! We all stood and recited the Pledge and then sang the National Anthem. We learned that America was world renown as the "melting pot". That meant that no matter where you came from, you could come here and be part of the American Family! When you took your oath and became a citizen, YOU WERE THEN AN AMERICAN CITIZEN with all the rights of any other AMERICAN! Besides Israel, where else in the world can you do that? The only way that we can save our nation is to get involved and stay involved! It is time now for all good men (and women), to come to the aid of our country. Blessings and Shalom, AJ Sizemore First as a Jew I am jealous of how rapidly the black community banded together to have a world wide demonstration against being murdered for being black. Why am I jealous? Because Jews being killed by the nazis went quietly without marching En mass against the nazi party. I wish as a Jew we had the same passion as the black community.
On an other note I notice how when people report about the marches they bend themselves into a pretzel to make sure we know that every black person was not a rioter and that was an evil group that infiltrated the peaceful blacks. Now as a Jew I have to wonder why when asked who killed Jesus how easy it is to say Jews. One syllable Jews. No pretzel bending to say there were peaceful Jews and the Sanhedrin and sadducees asked to kill Jesus. Nope no pretzel bending. Jews. I think think this message is taught mainly by Catholic Church although my believing friends say the same thing but quickly add it’s our sins that killed Jesus. If all Jews killed Jesus all blacks burnt and looted stores and all police hunt blacks. Thanks for letting me vent. Interested in your take. Ira With all the strife and turmoil in the world, G-D has never failed me and always gives me something to hold to when things appear their darkest. This time G-D has given me a new grandchild---IT'S A GIRL! And just in time! After seeing the senseless ransacking of businesses, the taking of innocent lives and the rioting, I started wondering if there was any goodness, honesty or innocence left in the world. Then G-D gave our family new hope & new life in the form of a baby girl with an angelic face and a beautiful little smile to remind me (I'm convinced), that all is not lost and HE is still in control. My youngest Son and his wife just had their first child and what a blessing she is! My faith is refreshed and restored! I am reminded of what G-D tells us in Jeremiah 29:11. Don't take my word for it, look it up, read it and keep the faith! AJ Mara Gay & Brian Williams may have made a mathematical error about how each American would have received a million dollars if Mike Bloomberg divided how much money he spent on his race to the White House
Here is a behind the scenes look how something gets on the air. It’s not 2 people who decide to say something. The real story is that many people were involved in getting it on the air. Many people looked over the numbers and not one of them said "hey Brian and Mara, the numbers don’t add up". This is surprising since it is said is that the Jews run the media and that we are also good with finances. If the beliefs are true then we must agree there had to be a Jew among the group. So how did such a mistake get through. So let’s stop hearing about how Jews run the media and finances. I think it’s about time anti-semitic remarks come to an end. Or is it possible that since we own the media, did we get revenge on the media and anti-semites by allowing the mistake to get through? Just a thought. Ira Goldberg |
September 2022
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